Planning Photo Shoot Blog Post #2 - Equipment, location, timing, models, etc.

For my photo shoot, I plan on taking pictures of Latin music CDs here in my house (not the actual CDs, but maybe have them stacked up) so that I can talk about maybe the impact of Latin music in America or something like that. Also, another location will be my computer, since I plan on doing digital renderings of famous Latino Artists. For my equipment, I will simply use my smartphone camera and maybe the Portrait Mode that the phone has (it basically creates a depth of field and I could use it to maybe focus on a stack of CDs from Latin artists while the blurred/out-of-focus background is the outside of my house or something.) As far as models go, there won’t really be models. Since it's in the front/inside of my home, the CDs will be the main object/subject. Also, I guess my other models will be the digital renderings/drawings of the Latin artists.


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