Magazine Genre Codes and Conventions Research Project (Cover)

To commence, I chose Rolling Stone magazine, since it was in the same genre as what I plan to make my magazine on (Music Genre). I will be comparing 3 different covers from Rolling Stone today, and will be taking a look at the different aspects of these covers and the codes/conventions that Rolling Stone utilizes to make their magazine truly theirs. My own magazine that I have planned is not that different from Rolling Stone, the only difference being that Rolling Stone not only has artists from a wide variety of genres, but also talks about different topics, like politic, while my magazine will focus exclusively on Hispanic artists and will not venture out into different topics other than music and possibly their lives, so my magazine will resemble the Jack White Rolling Stone Cover (picture above) the most out of the three. Now, I will discuss basic codes and conventions for Rolling Stone and will be focusing on these 3 magazines. One thing I notice that...