Table of Contents Blog Post #2

In this blog post, I'll talk about other aspects of my Table of Contents page, such as how I planned it, how I made decisions and revisions, the process, how I used a sense of branding, and digital creative tools I used. The picture above is a rough sketch of the Table of Contents page I did a few months ago. First code/convention incorporated into the TOC (Table of Contents) page is that none of the pictures I used are the same as the cover story. This did not happen in any of the Rolling Stone magazines issues I researched, so I had no need to do it. This adds variety to the magazine, and also tells you what is awaiting in the following pages. Another code/convention I implemented is the color scheme. In the planning paper, I wrote down that I wanted the TOC page to be basically colorful and vibrant. Ultimately, I feel like I did just that. Not only in the 4 pictures on the top half of the page, but also on the design of the page overall. The blue and red colours used ...